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Monday - Friday : 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Saturday : 8:30AM - 12:00PM

Haematology - Haematology and Day Care - Haematology Oncology

About Haematology - Haematology and Day Care - Haematology Oncology

The department of haematological medicine comprises of haematology lab, blood bank/center and day care clinical haematology and transfusion services. This departmental format is one of its kind in the country and functions under one HOD Dr. V. P. Antia. This supportive concept is the backbone behind our day care center where patients with haematological problems are examined , investigated and treated on the same day in the department.

Our department is indeed a center of excellence, which is borne by the fact that many surgeons and physicians admit their complex cases at Breach Candy Hospital. This is due to the fact that our system provides excellent support during emergency situations in terms of prompt haematology results, diagnosis and subsequently apt transfusion medicine (component) therapy.

Haematology Lab

  • We have the state of the art fully automated haematology lab with the latest equipments.
  • Besides advanced instrumentation, the corner stone of haematology diagnosis is accurate microscopic interpretation of the peripheral smears. All slides are screened by our senior excecutive and abnormal slides are signed off by the haematologist . We have made many haematogical diagnosis merely through meticulous peripheral smear examination and the same has been presented in our weekly Friday meetings.
  • Critical values affecting patient care are immediately communicated to the referring consultant.
  • Internal and external quality control is our main priority. We participate in EQAS with RIQAS (Randox international quality assessment scheme) under UKAS (UK accreditation body) and RCPA (Royal college of pathologist of Australia Asia).
  • This extensive exercise is to give accurate and consistent results which has instilled a high degree of clinician confidence in our reports.
  • We do the full gammut of haematology test covering investigations for anemia, bleeding problems, platelet disorders, thrombotic disorders, monitoring of anticoagulation therapy, haematological malignancies and covid markers. Fast accurate reporting with clinical correlation is our forte.
  • Our dedicated haematology technologists are highly experienced and well trained. They remain updated by regularly participating in conferences and CMEs.
  • The haematology lab has been instrumental in providing us data and valuable material for presentations in national and international conferences.

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Clinical Haematology and Transfusion Medicine Day Care Center

  • The Department of Haematological Medicine at Breach Candy Hospital has a well-staffed, patient friendly service involving Doctors, technicians, nurses and receptionists who are well geared to cater exclusively to the needs of patients with haematological / heamato-oncological disorders.
  • Patients for Heamatological problems are referred to us in our Clinic in the Department of Haematological medicine. Immediately blood is collected and investigated in our specialized lab in the department. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment is instituted in our day-care service which is a part of the Department.
  • Almost 90% of our haematological cases are treated on a day care basis. This enhances patient comfort as patients with haematological problems have to come regularly to the hospital for treatment.
  • Management including chemotherapy, transfusion medicine treatment - packed cells, platelets and other component therapy, chemotherapy for Haematological malignancies and other Haematological treatments like IV iron and immunoglobulin therapy are routinely given on day-care basis. Whether it is component therapy, blood transfusion or chemotherapy, patient comfort is our priority.
  • As the blood bank is attached to our department, the necessary component treatment is given on the spot.
  • When indicated, bone marrow studies are done as a part of the workup. We do bone marrow studies under conscious sedation wherein the patient is awake but does not feel the pain.

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Blood Bank-Centre

  • Breach Candy Hospital Trust Blood Centre is indeed a centre of excellence.
  • It has NABH recognition and is licensed by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and is a member of FBBB (Federation of Bombay Blood Banks).
  • The Blood Centre is committed to provide quality services to our blood donors and patients. Quality of our products is our primary focus. This is achieved with strict vigilance and best operating practices and quality control at every level.
  • We were one of the first hospitals in Mumbai to start component therapy which is the backbone of our transfusion medicine treatment. Every unit of blood collected is separated by Refrigerated centrifugation into Packed Red cells, Fresh Frozen Plasma, platelet and/ or cryoprecipitate. The Blood Centre is also equipped with fully automated cell separator to do plateletpheresis and plasmapheresis. This enables us to issue the necessary component in a clinical situation.
  • Our Blood Centre prides itself in virtual zero level risk of TTD (Transfusion Transmitted Diseases). Over the years, this has instilled confidence in our patients receiving blood transfusion. Our screening tests are very thorough and done by the latest technology by CMIA (Chemiluminescent Microparticle Immunoassay) on Abbott Architect i1000SR. As patient safety is our primary priority we are additionally doing NAT (Nucleic Acid Testing) tests for all donors.
  • We have a specialized section of Immunohematology done by CAT (Column Agglutination Technology) on fully automated Vision analyzer by Ortho Clinical Diagnostics. Daily routine Blood grouping and crossmatching is done by this technique with proper controls. Besides routine work in Immunohematology, section also does specialized work in Antibody studies to solve complex problems in patients with Immune hemolytic anaemia and atypical antibodies.
  • Our blood donors are treated very professionally, so as to make their blood donation experience extremely pleasant. We have a team of Medical Social worker, nurses and doctors to take care of our donors and also organize blood donation camps. The same team undertakes a very thorough donor screening which is the first step towards our main objective of safe blood.