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Dr. Usha Krishna


Dr. Usha Krishna


  • MD
  • DGO
  • FICS

Specialization / Special Interests

  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Contact Info

Phone No. : 9820134278 / 9920295080
Board No. : 022 - 23671888 / 2367288

Appointments / OPD Timings

Director, Clinic For women, Mumbai.

Hon. med. Director, Wadia Health Centre-A fully equipped clinic with training Centre for Reproductive Health & Family Planning.

President, Family Planning Association of India (FPAI), Mumbai Branch for 6 years.

All India President, Family Planning Association of India FPAI-till 2009.

Editor-Pregnancy at Risk, FOGSI Publication-5 editions.

safe Motherhood, The Adolescent Girl(FOGSI).

Materna Mortality & High Risk Pregnancy (ICMR).

Series Editor-9books-Perspectives in Obstetrics & Gynecology, books published on Menopause & Endometriosis, pregnancy Induces Hypertension, Adolescence, Perinatal Asphyxia, The Low Birth weight Baby, obstetric Medicine, Urogynecology & Management of Infertility.

154 Publications in professional in professional journals.

Felicitated on by GS Medical College & KEM Hospital for Outstanding contribution in the filed of obstetric & gynecology, 1989.

FIGO (International Federation) Award for Outstanding Contribution to Women's Health.

FOGSI-Lifetime Achievement Award, 1999.

AOFOG-Fellowship Award, 2002.

MOGS- Dr. BN Purandare Award, 2003.

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