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List of Books Published by Hospital consultants

List of Books Published by

Hospital Consultants

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Dr. Nilen Shah
  • Adductor Canal Blockade Following Total Knee Arthroplasty—Continuous or Single Shot Technique? Role in Postoperative Analgesia, Ambulation Ability and Early Functional Recovery: A Randomized Controlled Trial The Journal of Arthroplasty 30 (2015) 1476–1481.
  • A comparison between selective femoral navigation and jig based intramedullary femoral instrumentation for restoring ideal mechanical axis post TKA.N.A. Shah et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 30 (2015) 559–563.
  • Combined Administration of Systemic and Topical Tranexamic Acid for Total Knee Arthroplasty: Can It Be a Better Regimen and Yet Safe? A Randomized Controlled Trial N A Shah et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty Vol 31 issue 2 ( 2016 ) pages 542-547.
  • In response to "Is Continuous Adductor Canal Block Better than Continuous Femoral NerveBlock after Total Knee Arthroplasty? Effect onAmbulation Ability, Early Functional Recoveryand Pain Control: A Randomized Controlled Trial" Vol. 30 Issue 3 March 1 2015. page 515-516.
  • In Reply to a Letter “Not All Continuous Femoral Nerve Blocks Are Equivalent” Nilen A. Shah, MS, MCH Nimesh P. Jain, MS Vol. 30 , issue 5 pages 897-898 May 1 , 2015 Journal of Arthroplasty.
  • Reply to Letter to Editor ‘Does the Study Design Really Compare Apples To Apples?’ Nilen A. Shah, MS, MCH (orth); Nimesh P. Jain, MS (orth) Vol. 30 Issue 3 , page 514 , March 01 . 2015 Reply to Letter ‘Surprising Results in an Article in Press from Your Journal’ Nilen A. Shah, MS, MCH (orth) Nimesh P. Jain, MS (orth) Vol 30 . Issue 3 , page 512-513 , March 01 , 2015 In Reply. Nilen A. Shah Vol. 31 , Issue 2 Page 554-555 , Feb. 01 . 2016.

Articles in British JBJS

  • Subvastus approach in Revision Knee Orthopedic Proceedings Jan 2016.
  • Mid-term results of CR knees in gross deformities - Orthopedic Proceedings - Jan 2016.

Articles in Indian Journal of Orthopedics.

  • Total knee arthroplasty in valgus knees using minimally invasive medial-subvastus approach Indian Journal of Orthopaedics volume 50, pages25–33 (2016).
  • Total knee arthroplasty using subvastus approach in stiff knee A retrospective analysis of 110 cases Indian Journal of Orthopaedics volume 50, pages166–171 (2016).
  • Should We Use Intra-articular Tranexamic Acid Before or After Capsular Closure During Total Knee Replacement? A Study of 100 Knees Indian Journal of Orthopaedics volume 56, pages103–109 (2022).

Articles in other Journals.

  • Morbidity index: A score to assess immediate postoperative recovery in TKR patients Journal of Orthopaedics 13 (2016) 235–237.
  • Should we use tranexamic acid for 3 days post TKR - Article to be published in Acta Orthopedica Belgica.
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Dr. Mohan Thomas
  • Injection Lipolysis with a cocktail of Phosphatidyl Choline and Deoxycholate, An Indian Experience. (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open- Volume 138, number 4, Oct 2016).
  • Injection Lipolysis: A Systematic Review of Literature and our experience with a combination of Phosphatidylcholine and Deoxycholate over a period of 14 years in 1269 patients of Indian and South East Asian Origin. (Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery- Year : 2018 | Volume : 11 | Issue : 4 | Page : 222-228).
  • Gluteal Fat Transfer – To Break the Speed is the Need. (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery- Year: Dec, 2019 | Volume 144, Number 6 • Viewpoints | Page: 1128e- 1129e).
  • Nasal sill augmentation: an overlooked concept in rhinoplasty-a technical note and review of the literatures. Maxillofac Plast Reconstr Surg. 2021 May 18;43(1):14. doi: 10.1186/s40902-021-00298-3. PMID: 34003392; PMCID: PMC8131461. titled.
  • Use of technologies to improve the Liposuction outcome including skin texture and form– “Enhanced Liposuction - New Perspectives and Techniques” Intec open.
  • Grading Of ‘Back Rolls’- Guide To Treatment Options. PRS global open (In Print).

Books and chapters

  • Arthroscopy of the Temporomandibular Joint Dr. Mohan Thomas & Dr. Sidney Bronstein (W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia).
  • Emporomandibular Joint Disorders Editors: Dr. Andrew Kaplan & Dr. Leon Assael Chapter on Future Directions in Maxillofacial Surgery (W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia).
  • Clinics of North America- Elsevier Publisher-“Chapter in Rhinoplasty” Feb 2012.
  • PICTURE PERFECT- Handbook on Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine- Published in January 2015.
    • Non-surgical rhinoplasty. Integrated Procedures in Facial Cosmetic Surgery. Keyhan, S.O.
    • Newer approaches in Non surgical Facial rejuvenation. Integrated Procedures in Facial Cosmetic Surgery. Keyhan, S.O. Springer.
  • RHINOPLASTY, KHAN- 1st Edition. Elsevier- The Indo- Aryan Nose.
    • Breast lift and Reduction.
    • Fat Grafting In Aesthetic And Regenerative Gynecology.
    • Nano fat Harvest and Use.

In Press

  • 6 Volume Cosmetic Surgery Manual- cosmetic surgery procedures have been approved for publication. The first volume on Body Contouring will be published by April, 2022.
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Dr. Sanjay Desai: Scientific papers published
  • Desai SS, Singh V, Mata HK. Arthroscopic Bankart Repair With and Without Curettage of the Glenoid Edge: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study. Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery: 3 (2021), 837-842.
  • Results of an innovative method of intramedullary fixation for displaced four-part fractures of proximal humerus in patients under 70 years of age. Desai SS, Jain R, Vishwajeet S. Journal of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery (accepted for publication, 2020).
  • History and Evolution of Shoulder Arthroscopy. Journal of Arthroscopic Surgery & Sports Medicine.: 1(1), Jan-June 2020. 1-5.
  • Desai SS and Mittal A. Medium term Results of Surface Replacement of Shoulder. Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery: 4 (2017), 110-114.
  • Desai SS and Hari Krishna Mata. Long Head of Biceps Tendon Pathology and Results of Tenotomy in Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear. Arthroscopy 2017; 33(11):1971-1976.
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Dr. Shirish Sheth

International journals

  • Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of cervix and leiomyoma between vagina and rectum. J Obstet Gynecol. 2015; 35(3): 314-5.
  • Removal of ovarian dermoid cyst via posterior cul-de-sac. J Gynecol Surgery. 2015; 31(1): 8-10.
  • Encephalitis due to ovarian dermoid. Euro J Obstet Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2015; 194: 256-257.
  • Observations from a FIGO Past President on vaginal hysterectomy and related surgery by the vaginal route. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2016; 135: 1-4.
  • Sonographic evaluation of uterine volume and its clinical importance. J of Obstet & Gynecol Research. 2017; 43: 185-189.
  • Reverse vesicouterine fold dissection for laparoscopic hysterectomy after prior cesarean deliveries (Letter to Editor). Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017; 129(4): 749-750.
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Prof. Dr. D. G. Saple M.D., F.C.P.S, D.D.V.
  • Fellow of Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg, USA Hon. Prof. & Head, Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology (Retd.)Grant Medical College & Sir J.J. Group of Hospitals, Mumbai.
  • Consultant : Skin , Hair, Cosmetology, Laser, Dermatosurgery & HIV/AIDS.


  • 40 + peer-reviewed publications ; Chapters in Medical textbooks.
  • 55+ papers presented in international conferences.